Lawrence Prospera is a 501 (c)(3) organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service and the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office. All donations are tax exempt and support the mission of "Strengthening the Individuals and Families of Lawrence through the Development of Thriving Communities."

Lawrence Prospera
CREATING THRIVING NEIGHBORHOODSLawrence Prospera serves over 1,000 members of the Lawrence community each year. In addition to the SISU youth program, and the Quintana Family Center, Lawrence Prospera currently manages real estate in the City of Lawrence, and creates affordable housing for first time homebuyers.
For more information, contact Paul Heithaus, Director of Program Development, at 978-224-8808, ext. 120, or e-mail him at . -
SISU Youth Programs
CREATING SAFE SPACES FOR PROVEN-RISK YOUNG PEOPLEDid you know that In 2012 U.S. law enforcement agencies made 1.3 million arrests of young people under the age of 18.
Since 1994, Lawrence Prospera has provided alternative education, vocational training, and lifeskills/mentorning for some of Lawrence's highest risk young people. To continue meeting the growing needs of this population, Lawrence Prospera began developing a more comprehensive youth development program in 2014. The centerpiece of the program is the SISU Center at 417 Canal Street in Lawrence. The site was built by a team of young people who are proud to call the space their own.
The American Institutes for Research found in a 2014 study that each $1 invested into programs like Lawrence Prospera's SISU Program, may be associated with societal cost-savings of as much as $7.31.
To maintain this safe space away from the hustling, violence and drugs of the street corners costs more than $5,000 per young person during each year. Support for this program is made possible through the generousity of benefactors, private foundations and individual donors.
For more information, contact Paul Heithaus, Director of Program Development, at 978-224-8808, ext. 120, or e-mail him at . -
Quintana Center Adult Education
STRENGTHENING FAMILIES THROUGH EDUCATIONBuilding on the original vision of the Lawrence Youth Commission to address the education and community development needs of the whole family unit, Lawrence Prospera opened the Maria del Pilar Quintana Family Center in 2002. To address the growing needs of the immigrant community in the Merrimack Valley, the Quintana Center provides the Citizenship for new Americans Program for adults ages 18+.
Each year over 300 newcomers participate in ESL, Citizenship, computer literacy, and financial literacy programming through the Center. For every one participant enrolled, three more end up on the waiting list. However at the cost of less than $1,000 a participant, the Quintana Center could cut the size of the waitlist in half and increase the number and scope of additional classes.
For more information, contact Paul Heithaus, Director of Program Development, at 978-224-8808, ext. 120, or e-mail him at . -
LPHS Scholarship Fund
OPENING DOORS FOR CURRENT STUDENTSThe Lawrence Prospera High School Scholarship Fund
In June of each year approximately 20 to 25 8th graders will receive scholarships through the Opening Doors program towards admission to selective secondary schools. Twenty-five or more graduates need $2,000-$4,000 for each year of high school or $8,000-$16,000 set aside in scholarships to ensure not only that they can enroll but also that they can remain at that school until they graduate.
An average of $10,000 per student is the annual need for the Lawrence Prospera scholarship fund.